Paolo interviewed for DrumClub Magazine!
December 2017

DrumClub Magazine (IT) published a long interview with Paolo Colazzo,
ESSENZA drummer since 2003 and active sessionman in different musical
For the interview Essenza thank Mazzarella Press Office
and the continuous technical support of the Essenza Studio staff ,
supervised by our master Alessandro. For the pictures our thanks to
Francesco Ferri and Antonella Rizzello. The full article is reported at the following link
(pictures on a facebook gallery) [ link]
Live at Metal Symposium 5th Anniversary
October 20th, 2017
The 20th of October, Essenza played at the V Anniversary of the Metal
Symposium with
Warchild, cancrena, Assaulter at Altromondo pub (Bari, Italy). Thanks to the amazing crowd and the staff!!!
The flyer of the event: [ link]
The photo gallery on facebook: [ link]
Interview on Kult Underground
October 2017
A new interview to Carlo conducted by Davide Riccio has
been published on "Kult Underground" at the following link [ link]
Behind the Veil: a new review
October 2017
A new review to "blind gods and revolutions", written by Nick “Verkaim”
Parastatidis, has been published on "Behind the Veil" magazine at the
following link [ link]
“Their sound is of course old school without though losing its
contemporary touch and without lacking in originality. There are also
some strong 70’s and 80’s British metal influences to their sound and in
songs like the one entitled “Bloody Spring” they show some U.S. metal
orientations too”
Interview on System Failure
August 2017
A new interview to Carlo has
been published on "System Failure" at the following link [ link]
Live report
August 2017
The live reports of the Breaking Sound metal fest have been published on
TrueMetal by Giuseppe Casafina [ link]
and Rock & Metal in my Blood by Federico Pizzileo [ link]
“Sembra davvero di assistere ad un grande celebrazione di
una vera band underground, sempre troppo poco nota al grande pubblico ma
sempre nel cuore dei suoi affezionatissimi defenders: Cuore & Rock &
Roll, questo sono gli Essenza. Mai un monicker di una band si è rivelato
più appropriato di questo: Essenza del vero Hard & Heavy, appunto. Solo
grandi applausi per loro!”
“sicuramente abbiamo di fronte dei
veterani che non hanno mai abbandonato la chitarra al chiodo bensì hanno
sempre cercato di portare un genere che piacesse a loro e che facesse
divertire anche gli altri. Oggettivamente le dediche elargite durante
l’esibizione hanno reso la loro performance più vicina al pubblico,
lasciando una bella immagine grazie alla comparsa del violino.”
Live at Breaking Sound Metal Fest
August 26th, 2017
The 26th of August, Essenza played at Breaking Sound Metal fest with
Sinister, Antropofagus, the Ossuary, Septem, Nereide, Fatbacks in
Mesagne (BR, Italy). Thanks to the amazing crowd and the staff!!!
The flyer of the event: [ link]
Live-videos: - the fury of the ancient witch (special guest Luca)
[ link]
- universe in a box [ link]
The photo gallery on facebook: [ link]
Spongstock IX
August 2017
Essenza Studio organized the 9th edition of the "Spongstock"
festival! The concert bill included Assaulter, Il Confine, the Clips,
Sibilance. Thanks to Gianni Bar -Cafè in Spongano (LE)
which hosted the event, and to Alex and the studio staff (Frank De
Gennaro and Sebastiano Corvaglia) for technical support!
The flyer of the event: [ link]
Interview on Giornale Metal
July 2017
A new interview to Carlo and Alex, conducted by Maurizio Mazzarella, has
been published on "Giornale Metal" at the following link [ link]
Insane Voices: a new review
July 2017
A new review to "blind gods and revolutions", written by Valerie
Campagnale, has been published on "Insane Voices Labirynth" at the
following link [ link]
“Un ottimo disco questo degli Essenza, forse non facile al primo
ascolto ma che cattura per la sua molteplice entità artistica. Rimanendo
fuori dal comune, il gruppo ha creato una realizzazione che abbraccia
più generi fondendoli tra loro e incastrando i tasselli in modo
MusicMap: a new review
July 2017
A new review to "blind gods and revolutions", written by Samuele
Conficoni, has been published on "Music Map" at the following link [ link]
“Gli Essenza giungono oggi al quarto album con uno status quasi di
leggenda all’interno del panorama hard rock italiano [...] “Blind Gods
and Revolutions”, che già dal titolo epico prefigura battaglie, lotte
politiche e riflessioni religiosi mai banali e sempre controcorrente,
parte forte con una tempesta di aggressività e filosofia [...] Ci sono
gli Iron Maiden, i Metallica, ma anche i Jon Spencer Blues Explosion e i
Black Flag. Il rock duro e roccioso si scontra con ritmi blues,
l’aggressività dell’interpretazione si fonde con momenti più melodici
[...] la versatilità è ciò che distingue gli Essenza dalla miriade di
gruppi italiani che propongo generi più o meno simili ma con poca
personalità [...] Le chitarre stordiscono, la voce affonda nel petto e
nella mente di chi ascolta; e lascia con tanta soddisfazione per
l’ennesima ottima prova di questa band ormai storica.”
MetalHead: a new review
July 2017
A new review to "blind gods and revolutions", written by Alberto Vitale,
has been published on "MetalHead" at the following link [ link]
“I pugliesi restano fedeli al verbo del metallo, onorandolo
attraverso riff di granito, andature mai veloci e al massimo rapide,
sostenute da una buona base ritmica. Le chitarre di “Blind Gods and
Revolutions” sono protagoniste e presentano serie melodiche
TuttoRock: a new review
July 2017
A new review to "blind gods and revolutions", written by Fabio Loffredo,
has been published on "Tutto Rock" at the following link [ link]
“Un’occasione per riscoprire una band che mette il cuore e la
passione nei loro brani e si sente in ogni nota e in ogni assolo. Sono
in tre gli Essenza, ma sono ben coincisi ed affiatati e riescono a dare
ad ogni brano carica e dosi di adrenalina”
Giornale Metal review
June 2017
A new review to "blind gods and revolutions", written by Angelica
Grippa, has been published on "Giornale Metal" at the following link [ link]
“Gli ultimi due brani a mio parere impreziosiscono notevolmente il
tutto e rendono l'album memorabile. A differenza di ciò che ascoltiamo
quotidianamente questo non è un album di facile ascolto ma a più riprese
si possono cogliere le numerose sfumature di cui è intriso. Tutti gli
amanti del rock vintage come la sottoscritta non possono che rimanere
incantati da un gruppo che partito dai festivals del sud Italia ha
puntato alla crescita e ad un Heavy di grande qualità, Chapeu ai miei
Rock Pride Fest VIII
June 2017
Essenza Studio organized the 8th edition of the "Rock Pride Fest"
festival! The concert bill included Italian metal legend Fingernails,
and Ibridoma, Leta, Gargan, Malasorte. Thanks to Gianni Bar -Cafè in Spongano (LE)
which hosted the event, and to Frank De Gennaro and Sebastiano Corvaglia
for technical support!
The flyer of the event: [ link]
The youtube video-playlist: [ link]
Vater percussion endorsement for Paolo
May 2017
The international brand Vater percussion announced the official
endorsment collaboration with Paolo Colazzo through the italian
distributor Gold Music!
Live at Danger Metal Night
May 2017
The 13th of May Essenza played in Montegranaro (FM, Italy) at the
"Danger Metal Night" fest, an event organized by the Italian label SG
Records. On the stage, also Organic Illusion, Legion of Chaos, This
isn't over.
The flyer of the event: [ link]
Two videos from the show: - devil's breath [ link]
- rock 'n' roll blood [ link]
Southern Steels V
May 2017
Essenza Studio organized the 5th edition of the "Southern Steels"
festival! The concert bill included Ghost of Mary, Time for Vultures,
Christine IX, and Greyer. Thanks to Gianni Bar -Cafè in Spongano (LE)
which hosted the event!
The flyer of the event: [ link]
The youtube video-playlist: [ link]
Live at Rock 'n' Ride V
April 2017
The 8th of April 2017 Essenza played at the Rock 'n' ride fest, with
Hammershock, in Collepasso (LE), at the Roadhouse live pub. The live
video of "Time (keep my memories alive)" is on youtube at the following
link: [ link]
The flyer of the event: [ link]
Rehearsal acustic video
April 2017
A rehearsal-acustic version of "Time -keep my memories alive" has been
published by the band on the official youtube channel, at the following
link. [ link].
The recordings have been made at the member's private homes.
Live at Beeestruction Fest
March 2017
The 25th of March, Essenza played in Bari (at Garage Sound) for the
Beerstruction fest, with Torso, Gargan, and Witchunter.
"rock 'n'
roll blood" and "the song inside" live on you tube: [ link],
[ link]
The photo gallery on facebook [ link]
The official flyer of the event [ link] |
the Strangers - radio interview
February 2017
The web radio "radio WAU" presented a live-interview with Carlo from the
studio located at the University of Lecce (IT), the 3rd of February
2017, within the "the Strangers" series, conducted by Andrea Ferrari,
Alessandra Altavilla, Xhemi Hysa.
An extract of the special is
available on youtube at the following link: [ link]
Metal in Italy - interview
February 2017
The Italian website "Metal in Italy" published a video-interview to
Carlo, including a discussion with Marco Stanzione on the metal events
in South Italy and on Rock Pride TV (the web-TV created by Alex and
The article: [ link]
The video interview [ link]
Live at Metal Meltdown
December 2016
The 11th December 2016, Essenza played at Garage Sound (Bari, IT), for
the Metal Meltdown fest, planned by the Beerstruction staff. Thanks to
Walter Tarallo for the event direction, and to Diemocracy and Overkhaos
for the opening acts.
A you tube video of the concert (extract): [ link]
The photo gallery on facebook [ link]
The official flyer of the event [ link] |
New B.C. Rich guitar for Carlo
December 2016
Screams "voices from the underground"
November 2016
Live at Terenga 2.0
26 November 2016
The 26th of November, Essenza played at Terenga 2.0 in
Ugento (LE). Thanks to Mauro and Massimo.
The photo gallery (by Marisa Causo) is on facebook: [ link].
The event flyer is available at the following [ link].
Live at Twentyfour Biker Club
4 November 2016
The 4th of November, Essenza played at the Twentyfour Biker Club in
Lecce (LE). On youtube, a video from the show: [ link]
The photo gallery is on facebook: [ link];
the event flyer is available at the following [ link].
Spongstock VIII fest
13 August 2016
The 13th of August, Essenza organized the 8th edition of the "Spongstock"
open air festival in Spongano (LE), at Gianni Bar. Guests of the festival,
Essenza, Speedfreak, Cobra, Camden, Macaria, Ginkgo Dawn Shock. The official website of Spongstock fest is: [ link].
The flyer is available at the following [ link].
The photo gallery (pics by Antonella Rizzello) is on facebook: [ link].
On youtube, some videos of the Essenza's show:
- rock 'n' roll blood [ link];
- deep into your eyes [ link];
- the fury of the ancient witch [ link].
Seagulls in the night: the official videoclip!
26 April 2016
The official videoclip for the ballad "seagulls in the night", a song
from the album "blind gods and revolutions" has been published on
youtube at the following link [ link].
The videoclip has been realized by Piernicola Mele.
Interview on "menti in fuga"
26 May 2016
A new (Italian) interview to Carlo (entitled "Dall’underground
l’heavy-metal degli Essenza") has been published on "Menti in fuga"
website at the following [ link].
Thanks to Ciro Ardiglione.
Live at Saloon Public House
6 May 2016
Unplugged session at the Shakespeare pub
15 April 2016
The 15th of April, Essenza played a special unplugged session in
Casarano, Lecce (at the Shakespeare
pub). On youtube, the live performance of "seagulls in the
night": [ link]. The
event flyer is available at the
following link: [ link].
Live in Alezio
19 February 2016
The 19th of February, Essenza played in Alezio, Lecce (at El Rojo
pub) with Luca Alfieri Insane trio. On youtube, the live performance of "the
fury of the ancient witch": [ link]. The flyer is available at the
following link: [ link].
Live report by Breaking Sound
February 2016
A live report (Italian) of the concert at Metal Symposium (05.02.2016,
NordWind, Bari) has been published on the facebook profile of the metal
community Breaking Sound, at the following link: [ link]. [...]La
loro prestazione, così come nelle precedenti occasioni avute per poterli
ammirare dal vivo, è come al solito impeccabile e solida, con, dalla
loro parte, il sound del locale che rende davvero giustizia alla vena
tecnica di questo storico gruppo della scena pugliese e in particolare
salentina [...]
Live at Metal Symposium
5 February 2016
The 5th of February, Essenza played in Bari (at NordWind rock
club) for a "Metal Symposium" event, with Baphomet's Blood, Hopesend,
and Oltretomba. Many thanks to the promoters Vittorio, Flavio, Saverio,
Lucia and Nicolò! On youtube, the live performance of "devil's
breath": [ link]. The flyer is available at the following link: [ link].
The photo gallery, including the pictures of Francesco Ferri, is on facebook: [ link].
Radio Special - Metal Kaleidoscope
February 2016
Metal Kaleydoscope (on Radio JP, [ link])
transmitted a special on Essenza hystory. Many thanks to the amazing
speaker Modesto Romanazzi.
On youtube, an extract of the special: [ link];
Live at Terenga 2.0
28 November 2015
The 28th of November, Essenza played in Ugento at "Terenga
2.0". Many thanks to the promoters Mauro, Massimo Munitello, and Luca
Alfieri! The flyer is available at the following link: [ link].
Photo gallery on facebook: [ link].
On youtube, the live performance of "the song inside": [ link].
Live at Born to Raise Hell II
21 November 2015
The 21st of November, Essenza played at "Born to Raise Hell" festival (II
edition) in Porto Sant'Elpidio (FM, IT), at La piccola club, with
Etrusgrave, Fallout HR, Nasty Whores. Many thanks to the coordinator of
the event, Pietro di Gregorio, Ibridoma crew and La piccola staff.
The flyer is available at the following link: [ link].
Photo gallery on facebook: [ link].
On youtube, two videos of the Essenza's show:
- (universe) in a box [ link];
- devil's breath [ link].
Paolo's drum-solo: a clip from the tour with Kee Marcello (ex-Europe)
October 2015
Paolo Colazzo has been the session drummer in the Kee Marcello's tour
of the last summer. His partecipation as official drummer for the
next release of the ex-Europe guitarist has been also confirmed. Here,
the youtube video of the Paolo's drum-solo taken from the first
concert of the tour. [ link]. |
Live at GOS in Barletta
18 September 2015
The 18th of September, Essenza played at GOS (Giovani Open Space)
in Barletta (BAT) with Teverts. Thanks to Giuseppe Cassatella and
Antonio Paolillo... and to the friends came to see the concert!
flyer is available at the following [ link]. |
Live report on "Apulian Destruction" webzine
August 2015
The live report regarding the 7th edition of the Spongstock
Festival (23rd of August 2015) written by Alex Nespoli is availanle on
ApulianDestruction Webzine at the following [ link]
"La dimensione live è particolarmente cara al trio
salentino e lo si vede nel sound corposo della chitarra del già
menzionato Carlo Rizzello, musicista capace di non far sentire la
mancanza di una seconda chitarra." |
Live at Spongstock VII
23 August 2015
The 23th of August, Essenza organized the 7th edition of the "Spongstock"
open air festival in Spongano (LE), at Gianni Bar. Guest of the festival,
Blindcat, il Pasto Nudo, Overkhaos, and the jam-band Sardella Rock
Project. The concert was dedicated to the 15th Anniversary of
"Suggestioni" cd publication. The band thanks Gianni Bar & staff,
Francesco, Sebastiano, Riccardo, and Erica for the organization and
collaboration, Rock Pride Tv, Tony of Detroit Rock Music Store,
Daniela Errico, Donato Nuzzaci, Alex Nespoli (Apulian Destruction
webzine), Monti Distribution (and Estrella beer). Many thanks to Luca A.
Rizzello, who played bass instead of Alex, and Gaetano Rossiello
(TwilightGate/Vinterblot) and Francesco Probo (Mnemos) for special
partecipation on stage. The official website of Spongstock fest is: [ link].
The flyer is available at the following [ link].
On youtube, two videos of the Essenza's show:
- devil's breath [ link];
- l'alieno è su di noi [ link].
Photo gallery on facebook: [ link].
Live at Metal Danger Zone
15 May 2015
The 15th of May, Essenza played at El Rojo music pub in Alezio
(LE) with Dreker. The flyer is available at the following [ link]. |
Live at RockEGGIando fest in Spoleto
09 May 2015
The 9th of May, Essenza played at "RockEGGIando" festival (X
edition) in Eggi, Spoleto (IT) with Organic Illusion, L.O.V., Cobra,
Tractors, Ibridoma, Steel Crow. The flyer is available at the
following link: [ link].
On youtube, two videos of the Essenza's show:
- (universe) in a box [ link];
- rock 'n' roll blood [ link].
Photo gallery on facebook: [ link].
New review on "Metalliville UK" webzine
June 2015
A new review to "blind gods and revolutions" on the webzine "Metalliville
UK" by Dave Atrill (9/10). "The block here might also be the one that
sports 'Iron Maiden' all over one facade and Black Sabbath on at least
two, as their sound heavily borrows from both said legends, not least
due to singer Carlo Rizzello's snarly Dio range.
Some such things are still scarcely any crime by my biases - songs
like Plastic God, Bloody Spring, The Fury Of The Angel Witch, Lost And
Blind and Seagulls In The Night are sweet ear candy for a trad metal
connoisseur like me, any hour of the day. Utilising galloping,
old-fashioned rhythms and rough and ready chorus attacks, Essenza offer
no essence of fashion into their fodder whatever (...) Superb music"
The complete review is at the following [ link] |
Live at Metal Storm II
24 April 2015
The 24th of April, Essenza played at the Roadhouse music pub in
Collepasso (LE) with Cobra. The flyer is available at the following
[ link].
Photo gallery on facebook: [ link].
New review on "Sonicabuse" webzine
June 2015
A new review to "blind gods and revolutions" on the webzine "sonicabuse"
by Chris Greenwood. "This is a good album. I liked the political
lyrics, it made a nice change from a lot of the stuff I’ve reviewed .
Definitely a cd for fans of early Black Sabbath and rough and ready
heavy metal. Enjoyable stuff."
The complete review is at the
following [ link] |
Live at Southern Steels III
07 March 2015
The 7th of March, Essenza organized the "Southern Steels"
festival (III edition) in Spongano (LE). Guest of the festival, from
Alessandria, the hard-rock 'n' roll band Lucky Bastardz. The other bands
in the setlist were: Iron Fist, Ghost of Mary, Luca Alfieri
& Insane Guitar Trio, Outcast. The band thanks Daniela Errico
for the pics, Erica, Ilaria, Sebastiano for the organization and
collaboration, and Rock Pride Tv staff. The flyer is available at the
following link: [ link].
On youtube, two videos of the Essenza's show:
- the song inside [ link];
- edge of collapsed world [ link].
Photo gallery on facebook: [ link].
Live in Veglie
21 February 2015
Essenza played in Veglie (Le) at Wild Saloon. Thanks to the great
audicence and the pub staff, Benjamin in particular! The flyer: [ link]. |
Live in Alliste
31 January 2015
Essenza played in Alliste (Le) at Café Noir. Thanks to "Fuck the system"
for the opening act, the audicence, Massimo and Fabrizio from the Bounty
Killer Agency, Tennent's super at 1 euro/bottle, and the pub staff!
The flyer: [ link].
"The music affair" photo-book
January 2015
Essenza pictures, taken by Daniela Errico during live shows and from the
promotional photosession for "blind gods and revolutions" are included
in the book "the music affair", now available on Blurb and Amazon also
in digital form. Pictures of the bands Fleshgod Apocalypse, Giorgio
Canali, Bud Spencer Blues Explosion, Asphyx, Taake, Pino Scotto, Andy,
The Cyborg, Gianluca De Rubertis, and Dewfall are also included in the
book. [ link] |
Live reports
January 2015

- Apulian Destruction webzine, report from Metal Symposium (19.12.2014)
by Raffaele Fanelli, "La grande potenza profusa dalla band ha dato
vita ad un live act davvero entusiasmante. Buona parte dei brani del
fortunato ep “Blind gods and revolutions” sono stati eseguiti con la
stessa chirurgica precisione dello studio. Davvero notevole la
partecipazione del pubblico. Gli Essenza si sono riconfermati come dei
veri leoni da palco meritevoli, giunti a questo punto della loro
carriera, di una più adeguata visibilità" [ link]
- Raw & Wild, a report from Metal Symposium (19.12.2014) by Antonio
"vedendoli suonare si coglie facilmente l’esperienza on stage di
questa compagine, che risulta precisa nell’esecuzione dei brani,
coinvolgente e attenta all’aspetto visivo" [ link]
- Alone music webzine, a report from Metal Camp Sicily (12.08.2014) by
"ci colpisce la simpatia dei leccesi Essenza che con il loro heavy
stone rock suonato molto bene riescono a coinvolgere in modo insolito il
pubblico, conquistando con più enfasi il consenso dei presenti" [ link] |
New review on "in your eyes" webzine
January 2015
A new review to "blind gods and revolutions" on the webzine "in your
eyes" by Alberto Centenari, "non un lavoro usa e getta come ormai
siamo abituati a consumare in questi anni dove tutto corre, bensì ottima
musica che va curata, lavorata e fatta propria, lasciando che la
moltitudine di note racchiuse nei brani del cd entrino dentro di noi,
assaporandone ogni sfumatura, che sia essa rivolta all’heavy o al prog,
o addirittura al folk come nella meravigliosa Seagulls In The Night" [ link] |
Book chapter -bagliori di stelle
January 2015
"Salento -Bagliori di Stelle" is the new book of the young writer Donato
Nuzzaci published by Giorgiani Ed.. A chapter with a long interview to
Carlo is included into the book. All the info are available at the
following [ link] |
Metal Symposium: new live video
December 2014
A new video of the live-show recorded in Modugno (Ba) the 19.12.2014
during the Metal Symposium is available on youtube. Many thanks to the
staff (Vittorio, Flavio, Saverio, Nicolò), the bands Social Epitaph,
Clamor Silvae, and Furor Gallico, the photographers Daniela Errico and
Francesco Ferri; Erica, Sebastiano, Elisa, Antonello and Rockcult, Tony
and Detroit RockCity Music Store, and the amazing audience!
youtube video: [ link]
photo-gallery on facebook: [ link]
the official flyer: [ link]. |
Unplugged live in Casarano
12 December 2014
For the amazing live show (unplugged steel) in Casarano (LE), the band
thanks Bounty Killers Agency, Shakespeare pub, Sebastiano, Enrico,
and the entire audience! The flyer: [ link]. |
Bari Rock City Radio - interview
December 2014
A youtube video including a summary of the recent radio-interview to
Carlo (broadcasted the 14th of November 2014 on Bari Rock City Radio,
for the "Apulian Destruction Specials" by Alex Nespoli) is now available
at the following [ link].
Thanks to Alex Destructor Nespoli, Raffaele Fanelli and Gianni Lagioia. |
Interviews: "roba da rocker" and "secret steel"
December 2014

Carlo has been recently interviewed on two Italian webzines, by Dan
Snakebite (Roba da Rocker) [ link]
and Beppe (Secret of Steel)[ link]! |
New review on Secret of Steel
December 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions" written by Beppe Diana on
Secret of Steel webzine (Italian):
“Heavy Rock proposto con veemenza, sfrontatezza, ma soprattutto con
il cuore e con la convinzione di chi ha fatto della musica suonata e
concepita, ben più di una semplice ragione di vita, ecco cosa scaturisce
dall’ascolto di queste otto composizioni, un lotto di brani che mettono
in risalto la caparbietà artistica del terzetto in questione, che si
rende abile nell’imbastire partiture musicali forgiate sull’istintività
e sulla genuinità di un versante compositivo scevro da qualsivoglia
contaminazione moderna”
[ link] |
Studio session - bass rehearsal
November 2014
Live video recorded at the Essenza
Studio (Spongano LE) with Alex playing the whole bass track of "the fury
of the ancient witch": available on youtube official channel. [ link] |
Essenza live at Crazy Diamond
November 2014
The 1st of November Essenza were in Massafra (TA), headliner for
the "Music Metal fest". Thanks to Pasquale and Antonella,
and to Overkhaos and Soul of Steel for the opening act. A live-video of
the show is available on youtube at the following link: [ link].
- the flyer: [ link];
- photo collection on facebook: [ link].
Essenza Halloween heavy-rock party
October 2014
The Halloween heavy rock-party organised by Essenza was in Alessano
(LE). Thanks to Serial Vice and Iron Fist for the opening act. Thanks
also to Mimmo & the staff of "Li Santi", and to the large crowd!
- the flyer: [ link] |
Metal Revolution: new review
October 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions" available on
Metal-Revolution webzine
at the following [ link].
"Essenza really understand how to mix different heavy styles into an
album, ad how to make a good sound by keeping the riffs rolling,
combined with bombastic drums". By Simona. |
Essenza unplugged live in Gallipoli
October 2014
Essenza were guests of the Detroit Rock City Music Store (new location
in Gallipoli, LE) the 18th of November, for a special unplugged concert.
Luca A. Rizzello (former drummer of the band) played violin with the
band. Thanks to the fans and Tony Detroit, the event planner!
- the flyer: [ link];
- photo collection on facebook: [ link]. |
Essenza live at Spongstock VI
August 2014
Essenza organized the rock/metal festival "Spongstock VI", playing with
Madre de Dios, Warknife, Mnemos and Sanitarium, with the Sardella Rock
Project as guests. Thanks to fans, bands, and Gianni Bar staff! -
the flyer: [ link];
- the official website: [ link];
- photo collection on facebook: [ link]. |
Essenza live at Metal Camp Sicily III
August 2014
On the youtube official channel, a live video recorded at Metal Camp
Sicily (III ed.) at Palazzolo Acreide (SC) the 12.08.2014, a big
festival with Alcest and many more bands. Thanks to Gianni Manenti and
the staff, Daniela Errico and Laura Santese. The flyer: [ link].
- "universe in a box" live on youtube [ link];
- photo collection on facebook: [ link]. |
Essenza live at Rock Auser Fest
August 2014
On the youtube official channel, two live videos recorded at the Rock
Auser Fest (10th ed.) at Albi (CZ) the 11.08.2014. The band played with Pino Scotto. Thanks to the amazing staff, Daniela
Errico, Laura Santese, and to the Pino Scotto's crew! The flyer: [ link].
- "edge of collapsed world" live on youtube [ link].
- "deep into your eyes" live on youtube [ link];
- photo collection on facebook: [ link]. |
Studio session - guitar solos
July 2014
On the youtube official channel, a live video recorded at the Essenza
Studio (Spongano LE). Carlo plays all the electric guitar solos from "blind
gods and revolutions"! [ link]. |
Radio interview
July 2014
Radio interview of the 7th of July for Ciccio Ricco FM "radiazioni" (in
studio with Camillo Fasulo): video on the youtube official channel.
The flyer: [ link].
The video [ link]. |
Unplugged live video
May 2014
On the youtube official channel, a live video of the unplugged at
Detroit Rock City Music Store (Aradeo, LE). A great release-party! The
flyer: [ link].
The video of "rock 'n' roll blood" is available at the following [ link]. |
| new review
June 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions available on webzine
at the following [ link].
“Il virtuoso power trio propone un rock tosto, venato di distorsioni
potenti, stacchi progressive e sferzate chitarristiche non indifferenti”. By
Giorgio Rutigliano |
Apulian Destruction: new review
June 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions available on Apulian
Destruction webzine
at the following [ link].
“Il corredo genetico degli Essenza, vanta un tessuto connettivo
polimorfo e molto variegato. Con questo lavoro gli Essenza hanno
decisamente fatto centro”. By Alex |
Metal Hammer: new review
June 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions available on webzine
at the following [ link].
“Piacciono, in tale situazione, la cangiante“Bloody spring”, le scorie
NWOBHM di “The fury of the ancient witch”, il groove sinistro e greve di
“Time (keep my memories alive”) e, soprattutto, l’atmosfera fascinosa di
“Seagulls in the night”, veramente intrigante nell’evocare suggestive
ambientazioni ancestrali e arcaiche”. By Marco Amaisso |
Allaroundmetal: new review
June 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions available on
All-around-metal webzine
at the following [ link].
“è l'intero lotto delle canzoni a convincere, le idee della band sono
efficaci e ben curate. Un disco suonato con ottima padronanza tecnica in
cui spiccano in particolare il drumming di Paolo Colazzo ed il
guitarwork di Carlo Rizzello”. By Marco Doné |
Eternal Terror: new review
May 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions available on Eternal
Terror (Sweden) webzine
at the following [ link].
“Blind Gods and Revolutions" has a lot of classic charm and stupendous
musical interplay, and will be cool to check out if you need that sonic
stylistic kick.”. By Matt Coe |
A Night in Steel: live at Bar Gioia in Civitanova Marche
May 2014
The 3rd of May Essenza played in Civitanova Marche (MC) at Bar Gioia (A
night in steel - fest). Thanks to the amazing audience, Axestroke for
the opening act, Ibridoma and Marco Vitali for the support!. The flyer:
[ link].
A youtube video of the show is available at the following [ link]. |
Eraskor: new review
May 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions available on Eraskor webzine
at the following [ link].
“Il loro sound attinge da vari generi come l’hard rock, il blues, il
classic metal e qualche riff thrash che regala velocità mista a mid
tempo e dinamismo, il tutto suonato in maniera impeccabile e
coinvolgente. Grandi assoli e drumming trascinante”. By Ermanno Martignano |
Tag Press: new review
April 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions available on TagPress at the
following [ link].
'Le influenze del rock anni Settanta e di band amate come i Megadeth
sono plasmate in uno stile proprio e fresco, melodico e al contempo
costruito su riff spediti e ipnotici e colpi di doppia cassa che viaggia
spesso ad altissima velocità”. By Luana Campa |
Italian Metal: new review
April 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions available on Italian Metal
webzine at the following [ link].
'Blind Gods and Revolutions' si rivela così un buon disco, soprattutto
per quanto riguarda le sezioni strumentali, dove il trio salentino ha
sempre eccelso grazie all'apporto di tutti i componenti”. By Gabriele
Nunziante. |
True Metal: new review
April 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions available on True Metal
webzine at the following [ link].
“Un’invidiabile profilo strumentale ed una maestria nel forgiare tracce
dalle dinamiche complesse ed articolate, nervosamente instabili ed in
buona parte spiazzanti”, by Fabio Vellata. |
Italia di Metallo: new review
April 2014
New review to "blind gods and revolutions available on Italia di Metallo
webzine at the following [ link].
“I miei complimenti a questo pezzo di storia nostrano per averci dato un
nuovo disco di fierezza metallica locale” by Marco Sappi Nicoli |
Essenza live with guest: new videoclip
April 2014
New youtube video captured during the live of the 30th of April at El
Rojo live-pub. On stage with the band, Luca Rizzello (former member as
drummer in the period 1993-2003), played violin as guest in "the fury of
the ancient witch" and "dance of liars"!
Thanks to Il Sabba delle Streghe for the opening act, all the friends and the fans for the
The flyer: [ link]. |
Interviewon MetalWave on-air
April 2014
The radio interview of the 27th of April released by
Carlo to MetalWave on air is now available on youtube at the following [ link]. |
Blind Gods and Revolutions: buy it now!
April 2014
"Blind gods and revolutions" is now on sale! Buy the cd (jewel case with
booklet) by paypal or credit card by the buttons at the discography page
of this website [ link].
The cd is also available at Detroit Rock City Music Store in Aradeo (LE
-IT), via N. Frigino. [ link].
Blind gods and revolutions" will be available on digital stores the
9th of April and in the SGRecords -Your Distribution network from the
11th of April!
Blind Gods and Revolutions: the first videoclip!
March 2014
The videoclip of "bloody spring" has been published on youtube!
Recording and editing have been carried out by Alex at ESSENZA studio (Spongano,
LE, IT). Special thanks to SG Records, Gold Music and BC Rich guitars,
Bulk music, Giuseppe Rizzello, Aviosuperficie Corte de Droso, Massimo
Panico, and Fabrizio Vetruccio! [ link].
Made in Metal: review from Spain
March 2014
"Blind Gods and Revolutions" has been reviewed by Made in
Metal, the metal Spanish website. Read the article at the following [ link].
Blind Gods and Revolutions: first details on new studio-cd!
04 February 2014
"Blind Gods and Revolutions" cd is coming soon! The release has been
scheduled by the SG Records for the 11.04.2014. The tracklist will be:
1. PLASTIC GOD (an autumn dream)
8. TIME (keep my memories alive)
The front-cover: [ link].
The Italian press-release:
"Il nuovo cd degli Essenza si intitola “Blind Gods and Revolutions”,
ed uscirà l’11 marzo 2014 su etichetta SG Records (
Il disco è composto da 8 tracce inedite, scritte e arrangiate dagli
Essenza sotto la guida di Carlo Rizzello (voce e chitarra della
band). Il cd è stato registrato e mixato negli Essenza Studio di
Spongano (LE) da Alessandro Rizzello, bassista della band. Il cd,
stilisticamente, rappresenta un passo in avanti rispetto a “devil’s
breath” del 2009, disco nel quale la band ha abbracciato un poderoso
stile heavy che trae ispirazione dall’hard rock classico, ma che fonde
elementi thrash e power, adottando la lingua inglese (i primi lavori
della band erano cantati in italiano).
Il suono del disco, dinamico e supportato dal poderoso e fantasioso
drumming del batterista Paolo Colazzo, ruota attorno ad un riffing
chitarristico variegato e potente allo
stesso tempo. Il basso di Alessandro, anche lui nella scuderia BC Rich
come il fratello, assume nel sound un ruolo in primo piano, non
relegato alla semplice sezione ritmica, costruendo un inusuale muro di
intrecci a supporto del groove e della melodia generale.
Le tematiche dei testi riguardano i sentimenti e la coscienza personale
(the song inside, time –keep my memories alive, seagulls in the night,
fight for change), lo strapotere dei mass-media, della politica e delle
gerarchie religiose contrapposta al risveglio della coscienza di massa (bloody
spring, lost and blind), la magia delle leggende popolari (the fury of
the ancient witch) e dei sogni (plastic god)…
Il booklet del disco, sviluppato da Alessandro, include copertina di
Katia Luzio, foto di Daniela Errico, illustrazioni di Paolo, batterista
della band, e tutti i testi delle canzoni." |
New live video
22 February 2014
New youtube video captured during the Puglia Total Destruction
Fest (with Natron, Cruentus, Ingraved, Neka).Thanks to all the friends and the fans for the
The flyer: [ link].
New live video (drum cam)
24 January 2014
New youtube video (drum-cam) captured during the show in Martano (Morrison's
pub) the 24th of January.Thanks to all the friends and the fans for the
The flyer: [ link].
Live videos & report
4 January 2014
New youtube videos captured during the Apulia metal fest in Bari
(04.01.2014): Universe in a box: [ link]; Dance of liars: [ link].
Live reports of the event have been published on:
[ link] (thanks
to Giorgio Rutigliano); Raw and Wild [ link]
(thanks to Giuseppe Cassatella) |
Apulia Metal Fest Live
4 January 2014
The 4th of January Essenza played in Modugno (BA) at Demodè Club at the
Apulia Metal fest, with Death SS, Twilight Gate, L'Impero delle Ombre,
Evillive, Daegonian, and Hexentomb. Pictures coming soon on the facebook
page and on the official galleries in the website. Thanks to the
amazing audience and to Rockcult (Antonello Maggi) and Metal Symposium
(Flavio, Vittorio, Saverio). The flyer: [ link]. |